
Bitches & Hoes.

So today I got assaulted by a customer. Nevermind where I work.

I wrote a note about the incident on Facebook. If you're here, I'm sure you've read it. If not, do gander that way.

I entitled it "Bitches & Hoes" because of the how quick we run to those words when we allow ourselves to get upset. I've been called a lot of names, but I answer to very, very few of them. And you know, sometimes, I'm a smartass...and other times I'm a hardass (stubborn).

But if anything, I'm a man. And what separates men from boys are choices. How I handled that horrible situation today with that crazed & foolish woman is a testament to where God has brought me.

Because we all know that acting like "I would'a whooped that hoe's ass" is less than. God will handle my enemies. And if I had needed to go any further, I would've.

He's got the whole world in His hands.

J. Harlem

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